About Us
Caroline (Carlene) du Toit (licence number 201101001) is the Licensed Immigration Adviser for Immigration Enzed. She understands the challenges of migrating all too well - having arrived here from South Africa in 2002.
To qualify as a licensed immigration adviser she worked under the supervision of several highly regarded advisers in the industry and launched out on her own after gaining her post graduate certificate in New Zealand Immigration Advice Level 7.
Prior to getting involved in migration consultancy, she achieved success as an official translator, copy writer for top advertising agencies in SA, journalism for leading business magazines in NZ and real estate rentals. It is the field of immigration advice, however, that she finds the most stimulating and fulfilling.
“Immigration services allows me to bring all my passions together under one over-arching umbrella whilst also providing the deepest gratification of all - which is ‘walking’ alongside my clients as they embark on the challenging journey of relocation.”
Immigration Enzed is a ‘boutique’ consultancy which services a few targeted overseas markets. “Our point of difference is our highly personalised and holistic approach to each client which includes assistance with document sourcing, CV tweaking, NZQA qualification assessments, translations, referrals to IELTS (and other English Language) providers as well as registration for certain professions.
A crucial aspect of our overall service is that we are constantly on the look out for employment and other opportunities for our clients. We network with industry players (Carlene is a member of the Chamber of Commerce) for the benefit of our clients. “Assisting employers to meet their Immigration New Zealand obligations is part of our service, enabling us so present a cohesive and coherent visa application that goes through without a hitch.”
From 2011 - when Carlene first gained her licence - to date Immigration Enzed has enjoyed an exceptional success rate.
“We would be deeply honoured to help you, too, achieve your migration goals and start a new life.”

“Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family.”
Ban Ki-moon